Internet of Things

We help automate processes and increase your RoI using Hi-end IoT application development. We help enhance your business proficiency by providing state-of-the-art IoT solutions.

What is IoT

Internet Of Things (IoT) is a system of linked computing devices embedded with sensors that can be objected to that have unique attributes and identifiers capable of transferring data across a network without requiring human intervention.

IoT is a rapidly growing industry. In 2021, there were more than 10 billion active IoT devices. It’s estimated that the number of active IoT devices is expected to jump to 125 billion.

IoT solutions have the potential to generate $4-11 trillion in economic value by 2025.

Key application areas of IoT 

  • Supply Chain
  • Logistics and Shipping
  • Renewable Energy
  • Manufacturing
  • Transport
  • Healthcare
  • Consumer Products

Our IoT consulting and development services

Wearable Apps development

Our expert team can help develop future-ready applications that work with wearable devices including smart health watches, fitness trackers, wearable tech glasses, and gaming headsets.

IoT integrations with Blockchain

Our IoT network combined with blockchain enables secure and seamless communication between sensors, distributed ledgers, and databases to optimize supply chain visibility and quality assurance.

Predictive maintenance with IoT

Our IoT solution allows machines to securely transmit data directly to the cloud, even in complex network setups which means that predictive maintenance can receive more complete data hence enabling timely repairs.

Integrations with AI, ML and Big Data

IoT with AI & ML technologies enables application development for predictive maintenance,  supply chain, etc. IoT data collected on big data systems offer better visualization to infer  useful findings.

Smart city solutions with IoT

Our smart city solutions help integrate many different systems and devices to build a true  smart city ecosystem.

IoT Consulting

We leverage our IoT consulting expertise to transform your ideas into cutting-edge  applications that help you reduce human labor, unlock revenue streams, and optimize asset  utilization.

IoT Application Development

Our strategic application development with integration capabilities with blockchain, AI & ML  helps solve real-world challenges and streamline business operations.